Correcting an issue at symptom costs less

Our Quality deviation management software module allows employees to raise the deviation found, assign to the team & track for the closure with effectiveness verification

Quality Deviation Management Software

Deviation to the standards, Procedures or processes leads to the development of cracks in the organization in terms of DEFECT (Products / Process). At the same time, symptoms for the deviation is also highly important, so it has to be identified then & there and take Corrective actions to eliminate it.

Correcting an issue at the symptom stage costs nothing rather than correcting it after it occurs. It saves time, energy & cost. Our Digital Quality deviation module has the feature to raise the symptom found with details to take the necessary action to close it.

Quality deviation Management Software
Quality deviation Management Software

Process followed

Register the deviation


Register the symptom

Assign to the team


Assign it to the respective team

Validate & Analyze


Validate & Analyze

Implement corrective action


Implement corrective action

Validate corrective action

Validate corrective action