Changes are the constant in the world, Make it proper

Our Change Management system module makes the process simpler & effective to address the key changes 

Change Management Software

Change Control System helps in managing the changes in the process, key employees, policy, or addition of new process impacts the existing system. The same has to be assessed, documented & communicated in the organization. Managing the process with paper is not effective.

Change Management System
Change Management Software

Process followed

Create MoC Request


Create the MoC request

Request Approval


Approval of Request

Create Action 


Create action points for the implementation

Change Announcement

Announce the change


What kind of Changes can be managed in this module

Changes like ECN, ECM, Org structure change, Role change, Product change, Process change, etc,. can be managed with detailed action points & verification 

Is this a web-based Change Management Software

Yes, this is a web-based application

Is single click report download available?

Yes, Reports can be downloaded with the company logo, format & revision number.

Mails will go to the concerned users for reminder & Trigger

Yes, Mails will be triggered from the portal  automatically

Do you have Readymade MIS Dashboard ?

Yes, Ready to use MIS dashboard with multiple filters available as default