Monitor & Track the KPIs for the organization growth

Our Goal Management software module bridges the gap & makes the alignment to achieve the VISION of an organization.

Goal Management Software

Initial step for the growth of an organization is determined with the VISION & Strategy built by the Leaders followed by defining the right Key Performance Indicator (KPI) with Target & timeline for right people or team. Achievement of the KPI happens only when the action points get completed ON TIME with desired outcome.

We found huge GAP in many organizations among Vision, Strategy, KPIs & Action points in terms of setting up or alignment of each other or monitoring the progress.

Our Goal Management software module bridges the gap between the VISION and the day to day activities done by employees to achieve the results as planned in the time line.

Goal Management Software
Goal Management Software

Process followed

Define Goals


Define long term and short term goals

Create KPI’s


Create Key Performance Indiacators

Monitor Performances


Monitor performance with dashboards

Action Plan Tracker


Action plan & Risk Mitigation tracker

Root Cause & Counter Measure

Root cause & Counter measure for failure KPIs