“Recognized learning journey – Accelerator Program”
We BizReNow Solutions LLP got selected for the “InnoHive Accelerator Program” organized by Headstart Delhi in association with AIC RAISE.
LEARNING is a never-ending process, SUPPORT makes us grow stronger & MENTORING fine-tunes our way of actions.
BizReNow solutions offer “Digital Quality Management Suite” a QMS software that can transform the traditional paper-based QMS process into DIGITAL with Mobile & Web applications.
Modules available are Internal Audit management system, Supplier Management Software, Digital Kaizen process, Digital Suggestion process, Incident Management system, Meeting Management software, NCR software & CAPA software, Document Management System, KPI Software, Quality Inspection Software, Calibration Management Software, Complaint Management system, Deviation Management System, Change Management Software, Risk Management Software, Customer Visit management software
We are sure that we will grow better.
Thanks to AIC Raise for nominating & thanks to all in the process of selection.